Weekly Mindfulness Meditation Sits

Weekly Sits

We offer a weekly community of practice for those who are looking for regular Jewish meditation practice. Led by an Orot mindfulness instructor, these weekly sits are open to meditation beginners as well as veteran practitioners. The sessions include a weekly teaching, guided meditation, and time to sit in silent practice.

Orot weekly mindfulness sits meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM CT on Zoom.

We are grateful to have you as members of our free weekly Jewish mindfulness meditation program.

“At Orot, mindfulness in a Jewish framework is interwoven throughout many of our programs and offerings. The contemplative tradition, teachings, and practices offer us spiritual tools to slow down, cultivate a deeper awareness and live every day with greater skillfulness, compassion, and love.”

Orot Center for New Jewish Learning

“Coincidentally as I was beginning to look for a mindfulness and meditation class I was introduced to Orot. What an "aha moment” it was when I realized I could study and practice mindfulness meditation through a Jewish lens. Before Orot I had never considered melding my Judaism with meditation. They were separate aspects of my life.  I really like the ability to take something I am passionate about and use it to explore my Judaism and vice versa rather than keeping them separate.”

Cindy Pogrund