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Finding our Voices and Souls in Psalms

Join Orot for 6 weeks of Psalms where we explore how the human soul extends itself beyond its confining, sheltering, impermanence.

In his commentary on Psalms Nahum Sarna writes: “ In the Law and the Prophets God reaches out to [hu]man[s]…In the Psalms, human beings reach out to God….In Psalm, the human soul extends itself beyond its confining, sheltering, impermanen[ce]….

The biblical psalms are essentially a record of the human quest for God…[and] constitute a revealing portrayal of the human condition.” (Sarna, On the Book of Psalms: Exploring the Prayer of Ancient Israel).

The Book of Psalms continues to inspire in every generation.

Psalms 104 sung in ancient Hebrew | ברכי נפשי את ה' - תהלים קד

Session II Session II 6 weeks 7-8:15 pm

January 9 , January 16 , January 23, January 30 , February 6 , February 13

Taught by Dr. Jane Shapiro

February 2

Called to Act: nurturing a spirituality of activism

February 7

Orot Jewish Mindfulness Weekly Sit