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Elul Artists’ Beit Midrash - Teshuvah as Metamorphosis Session One

Taught by Jane Shapiro and Judith Joseph

Tuesday evenings - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST

DATES:  AUG. 25, SEPT. 1, 8, 15

Cost: $140

The season of Elul is usually the time when we look back upon our year, noticing the moments when we wished we had shown up differently, and then determining that in the new year we will.  This process of Teshuvah is usually considered a returning.

But 5780 has been a different type of year, when we have all been forced inside for many months. We have been cocooned in our homes and in our world. Can we use our time in Elul to look within, see what we have been becoming and use that to emerge into whatever 5781  might bring?

Each session will include exploration of a variety of texts both from Jewish wisdom and poetry, as well as discussion of related art. In addition each session will offer prompts  to create art work so participants can amplify their experience of preparing for the High Holy Days


WEEK ONE:  Examining the Within

WEEK TWO:  Storing Up the Bounty of Summer

WEEK THREE:  Imagining a New Type of Existence

WEEK FOUR:  Emerging into the New

August 24

The Torah Cycles of Elul/Tishrei: Texts for the Journey

August 27

Walking towards 5781: Heart-Opening Preparation for the High Holidays