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A Community Virtual Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

Join Orot to celebrate our 5th year of learning and spiritual practice with a celebration Orot-style: a community gathering of transformative Torah, meditation, embodied practice, creative writing and song. We will prepare for the holiday of Shavuot together as we look inwards for the Torah that lies within ourselves. You will have a choice of 4 different breakout sessions for learning and practice. Come and help us toast to 5 wonderful years of building and growing Orot’s work in the community.

Featuring these teachers:

  • Jane Shapiro

  • Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman

  • Deb Wineman

  • Jordan Bendat Appell, Orot cofounder and director of Camp Ramah Canada

  • Sarah Tasman, visiting teacher (see below)

  • Tova Markenson

Community Tikkun Shavuot and Celebration of Orot’s 5th Birthday

May 27th - 7:00 - 9:00 pm


  • Bo Oz~ Strength Within: Accessing Torah through Emet and Emunah

Join Orot to celebrate our 5th year of learning and spiritual practice with a celebration Orot-style: a community gathering of transformative Torah, meditation, embodied practice, creative writing and song. We will prepare for the holiday of Shavuot together as we look inwards for the Torah that lies within ourselves. You will have a choice of 4 different breakout sessions for learning and practice. Come and help us toast to 5 wonderful years of building and growing Orot’s work in the community.


  • Jane Shapiro

  • Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman

  • Deb Wineman

  • Jordan Bendat Appell

  • Sarah Tasman

  • Tova Markenson


7:00 - 7:25 - Welcome and opening learning - Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman and Tova Markenson

7:30 - 8:00 - First session of learning - choose one:

Sarah Tasman- Opening Our Hearts To Receive 

The Sfat Emet teaches that our "actions create a new Torah." Through mindfulness exercises, creative writing, and intention setting, we'll explore this concept along with two questions: what has been the most important Torah (wisdom, instruction) I have learned, and, what is the Torah I need to receive this year? 

Jordan Bendat-Appell- Rooted in Emet (Truth), Flowing with Emunah (Faith)

We are best equipped to face unpredictable winds when we are rooted while also being flexible/flowing. These qualities can be in opposition, but they can also be woven together and brought into complementarity. In this session we will study a few brief texts that illuminate elements of this dynamic-- and then we will try to experience emet and emunah in meditation practice. 

8:00 - 8:30 - Second session of learning -choose one:

Deb Wineman - Embodying Trust, Uncovering Your Truth: Yoga for Shavuot 

Through mindful movement and a supported, restorative yoga practice, cultivate trust in your body to gently open up to your truth. To prepare for this embodied practice, please dress comfortably and bring: Yoga mat (or soft, padded surface), Blanket (or towel), Bolster (or firm pillow)

Jane Shapiro - Stringing beads together: How we connect pieces of Torah to each other and to our lives. Can we develop ways of reading which support our ability to access the depths of the Torah more fully? In this session we are going to look at some different places in the Torah which--when strung together likes beads on a string--form a unified and lovely teaching for our lives today. 

8:35 - 9:00 - communal closing and sharing - Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman

SESSION 1 - choose one:

Sarah Tasman:

Opening Our Hearts To Receive 

The Sfat Emet teaches that our "actions create a new Torah." Through mindfulness exercises, creative writing, and intention setting, we'll explore this concept along with two questions: what has been the most important Torah (wisdom, instruction) I have learned, and, what is the Torah I need to receive this year? 

Jordan Bendat-Appell-

Rooted in Emet (Truth), Flowing with Emunah (Faith)

We are best equipped to face unpredictable winds when we are rooted while also being flexible/flowing. These qualities can be in opposition, but they can also be woven together and brought into complementarity. In this session we will study a few brief texts that illuminate elements of this dynamic-- and then we will try to experience emet and emunah in meditation practice. 

SESSION 2 - choose one:

Deb Wineman:

Embodying Trust, Uncovering Your Truth: Yoga for Shavuot 

Through mindful movement and a supported, restorative yoga practice, cultivate trust in your body to gently open up to your truth. To prepare for this embodied practice, please dress comfortably and bring: Yoga mat (or soft, padded surface), Blanket (or towel), Bolster (or firm pillow)

Jane Shapiro-

Stringing beads together: How we connect pieces of Torah to each other and to our lives. Can we develop ways of reading which support our ability to access the depths of the Torah more fully? In this session we are going to look at some different places in the Torah which--when strung together likes beads on a string--form a unified and lovely teaching for our lives today. 

Sefat Emet teaching on Shavuot:

And we read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot because it is the essence of Torah She Ba’al Peh. 

God requests that we add to the written Torah through our actions and deeds. The actions of the righteous create new Torah…

And this is the essence of Boaz whose name means “Bo Oz” -  within him is strength…

It is an issue of truth and trust/faith (emet v’emunah). The written Torah is given us without anything hidden. But the People of Israel must find the truth through trust and faith. Because the unskillful parts of ourselves try to rob us of our wellspring of inner trust…

But the life-giving energy of the Divine dwells within each human being...

May 26

Virtual Weekly Meditation Sits

June 2

Opening the Heart: Becoming a Jewish Grandparent