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Mussar: Manifesting Holiness in Your Life

a yearlong self-realization program using the middot

Mussar: Manifesting Holiness in Your Life

A year-long middot program led by Margot Andersen

Once a month on Tuesday mornings - 10:00 - 11:30 am CST via zoom

Jewish tradition posits that as beings created in God’s image, we all reflect and embody aspects of Divinity. These qualities, known as character traits or middot (plural; middah, singular) lie within us waiting to be actualized through our words and deeds. Mussar is the spiritual practice of working on these character traits and bringing them into balance in order to manifest holiness in the world. Each of us is unique and therefore our spiritual curriculum is different. Present moment awareness fosters conditions which enable us to create a sacred pause so we can choose our actions in a way that is aligned with becoming our highest self.

This community will meet once a month for an hour and a half. Participants will receive curriculum material to read in advance of the class. We will discuss the material for each middah and develop phrases and opportunities for you to practice that soul trait over the next month. A study partner (chevruta) will be encouraged, but not required; you can meet by phone once a month to discuss how you are progressing (or struggling) with that character trait. There is no “right way” or “wrong way”---there is only where you are. Non-judgmental awareness is foundational in understanding the dynamics of our inner life as the venue for spiritual experience and growth. Join us for this exciting journey into self exploration into becoming your highest self, becoming more holy.

We will explore the spiritual traits of:

-Anavah (Humility)

-Gevurah (Boundaries)

-Salvanut (Forbearance, Patience)

-Chesed (Lovingkindness)

-Shtikah and Shmirat HaLashon (Silence and Mindful Speech)

-Bitachon (Trust in God)

-Kavod (Honor)

-Zerizut (Passion and Right Action)


Oct 6

Nov 10

Dec 1

Jan 5

Feb 2

March 2

April 6

May 4

May 3

The Book of Ruth: Borders and Belonging

May 4

Tuesday Orot Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Weekly Sit