Led by Ellen Rosen Kaplan, LCSW & Tova Markenson, PhD Candidate
The practice of teshuvah, returning to our highest selves, is emphasized on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but in fact can be practiced in the present moment. Join us for a month-long exploration of mindfulness meditation practices that will guide us through avodah she’balev, the spiritual work of the heart, to prepare for this year’s High Holy Days of Awe. As Rabbi Chaim David Azulai said, during Elul (the month before the high holy days) “one should devote less time to study and more time to fixed periods of introspection and self-evaluation.” Our shared Elul journey will include a half-day retreat, chevruta (partner) study, daily meditation practices, contemplative readings, and group mindfulness meditations. All are welcome, regardless of prior experience with mindfulness meditation or Jewish practice.
We request that all participants please commit to the following:
Sunday, August 25th, 9:00 am-12:00 pm - Half-day mindfulness meditation retreat
Thursday, September 12th and Thursday, September 26th- 7:00-8:30pm - two follow-up group mindfulness meditation sessions
Chevruta/partner check-ins - once during the week of September 3rd and once September 16th (can be via phone, facetime or in person).
*In-person sessions will all meet at Beth Emet synagogue - 1224 Dempster
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